Apr 16, 2020 6:06:04 PM 白い熊 <help-guix_gnu....@sumou.com>:

> Apr 14, 2020 12:19:27 ison <i...@airmail.cc>:
>> I got the same error until changing to an SVG type image, then it worked.
>> I just converted from a PNG using inkscape.
> Indeed, it works with SVG :@)
> Many thanks for pointing it out.
With the latest d. Guix pull I now get a failure on system reconfigure:

/home/shiroikuma/system.scm:48:22: error: (grub-theme (inherit %default-theme) 
(images (list (grub-image (aspect-ratio 4/3) (file (local-file 
"/home/shiroikuma/grub.svg")))))): extraneous field initializers (images)

How to resolve this?
Best regards / 宜しく御願い致します / S pozdravem / C уважением / Z poważaniem /
Mit freundlichen Grüßen


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