May I ask how you install add-ons with Icecat?  

Every time I've tried to install an extension, I've gotten a complaint that 
this plugin is meant for Firefox.  Your version is not compatible.  Admittedly, 
I am trying to install Ad-Block Plus...Maybe that is a bit different.

And of course perhaps Guix should have a way to install add-ons for Icecat.  

"guix package -i icecat-ad-block-plus", but that's a topic for another day.

November 14, 2020 4:50 AM, "Pierre Neidhardt" <> wrote:

> Hi Guixers!
> Since this has bitten me for a long time and it seems to trip many
> IceCat users, I'd like to share a tip to get to
> work on IceCat:
> - Install a user agent switcher extension like this one:
> - Switch to the latest Firefox user agent. Make sure to apply the
> change to the right tab.
> By the way, this seems to fix more than just Jitsi.
> Happy Jitsing!
> -- 
> Pierre Neidhardt

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