kevinbanjo <> writes:

> On Sun, Jan 17, 2021, 11:47 AM <> wrote:
> Actually I was looking at trying to convert an Alpine Linux in WSL into GuixSd

You may be confusing terms.  GuixSD is the deprecated term.  The new
term is Guix System, which is running guix paired with the GNU shepherd
as a GNU/Linux distro.

Guix System implies that GNU/Linux is the host OS.  I suppose that it
might be possible to run Guix System in WSL, but I do not know of anyone
that has tried it.   Why don't you try to run the installer script on
WSL first?  That would get running guix as a package manager in WSL.
Then you could do some playing around.

You could also try running Guix System inside a virtual machine in Windows.

If you really want computing freedom, you might be interested in dual
booting windows and Guix System.  That way at boot time you could choose
to boot into Windows or Guix System.

I personally gave up Windows a long time ago.  I prefer GNU/Linux
because I want to be able to watch all the sappy romantic comedies I
want and not report it to Big Brother.  :)

> -Kevin

Joshua Branson (joshuaBPMan in #guix)
Sent from Emacs and Gnus
  "You can have whatever you want, as long as you help
enough other people get what they want." - Zig Ziglar

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