On Wed, 10 Mar 2021 at 14:21, Leo Famulari <l...@famulari.name> wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 10, 2021 at 08:14:43PM +0100, Zelphir Kaltstahl wrote:
>> How does one calculate the hash for a package one wants to add to GNU Guix?
>> I know 2 ways, giving me different results. One is for the repository folder 
>> and
>> one is for the tarball:
>> ~~~~
>> guix hash --exclude-vcs --recursive .
>> guix hash PACKAGE-VERSION-tar.gz  # a tarball created by guile-hall
> Can you clarify your question?
> It seems to me that you already know the answer: You use the method that
> is appropriate for your package. It depends on what kind of source code
> your packages uses.

Concretely, url-fetch

   guix hash PACKAGE-VERSION-tar.gz

or git-fetch (or other vcs):

   guix hash .

Maybe the question could be clarified. :-)


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