Hi !

It depends on how easy and integrated you want your experience to be ;)

The raspberry pi is classic SoC to use for such a purpose, there are a
lot of software and guides that you can use and take inspiration from
for your project.

In particular, the Retro-pi project will let you play classic games on a
raspberry pi, and Kodi is a nice integrated media center distribution.

- the raspberry pi still uses some proprietary components that GNU Guix
can not take into account (yet ?)
- some features, especially games, are closed-source, so outside of the
scope of GNU Guix.

My advice would be to look at what people are doing on raspberry pies,
and replicate what you need.

>From a purely function over form perspective, I think you can replicate
90% of the features of Kodi with VLC. It can do streaming, can read any
media format, and is globally awesome.

Also take a look at https://gitlab.com/guix-gaming-channels/games for
(sadly closed source, but what can you do ?) integrating video games in
your Guix setup.

Please post somewhere about what you do, this is an itch I intend to
scratch someday and I'll be happy to read about your efforts,

Happy hacking :)


Blake Shaw <bl...@nonconstructivism.com> writes:

> Hiya Guix!
> I just got a TV and want to put together a little SoC home media server for
> it (perhaps with beaglebone black, as that appears to be the recommended
> SoC for Guix). Has anyone had any experience with this? Thoughts?
> I figure it could be a fun use of `Guix Deploy`, but I've never put
> together a SoC media server before, so I'm not sure what packages to
> peek at, or what "out of the box" (re: raspbian etc) options are
> available.
> Seems like this could be some cool shoes for Guix to fill!
> ez,
> blake

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