On Mon, 14 Feb 2022 11:19:29 +0000 (UTC)
Jaft via <help-guix@gnu.org> wrote:

> I dunno if anyone might have any suggestions but I've been trying to
> get my Android phone get detected. I'm using GVFS and Thunar; full
> details of what I originally tried are at
> https://www.reddit.com/r/GUIX/comments/s55e8m/smartphone_detection_with_gvfs/
> but the short of it is that I noticed that the 69-libmtp.rules file
> that Guix installs differed from my Debian machine so I added a
> udev-rules-service that added all the devices that were in the Debian
> file and found the device was recognized, now, but trying to click on
> it or mount it still resulted in the error "No mtp devices found."
> Someone on the IRC channel recommended trying android-udev-rules so I
> did; this resulted in the phone not getting recognized, when plugged
> in, by Thunar, again – but it was able to be recognized as a
> connected device by adb. I've attached my system config. file, so
> it's clear to see what the setup I've tried is; I have no idea what
> else to try (if there's anything else even to try) but thanks for any
> help!

GVFS in general seems extremely buggy, but especially on Guix. If you
manage to figure this out I'd be very interested.
Other fun GVFS related issues include:
- sometimes mounts just plain don't show up (no /run/user/$UID/gvfs
- removable drives only show up once you've run fstab --list on them.
  they can be mounted with udiskctl, but they aren't visible in
- incorrect handling of symlinks can lead to data loss, bug has been
  known for years and no workaround or fix exists.

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