Hi Maxim,

I am late to the party. :-)

On Wed, 23 Feb 2022 at 21:19, Maxim Cournoyer <maxim.courno...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> That was fun, really fun (at least for me haha).
>> I enjoy this way to share knowledge, demonstrate, mentor, etc. More
>> than reading or watching content from you all.
> It sure sounds fun!

It was really fun! :-)

It is a really good way to learn both sides and also discuss some
workflow tips barely discussed otherwise.

However, it requires some time.  I would recommend slots of 2h every
week.  From one session to the other, we “forgot” what we already did
and weekly seems enough for not forgetting too much. ;-)  And 2h means
more or less only 1h of productive work, all the other is about tiny
technical issues, resume, discuss tips, etc.

I am really happy with the experience!  Thanks Jérémy for the
proposition! :-)

>> One the communication side, Jitsi is fine. But there could be something
>> more suited for remote pair-programming sessions. I read about a Jami
>> service…
> As the jami-service-type implementer, I'd be happy to help you with
> that, if you have any question setting it up, or issues after.

At the time, the jami-service-type did not exist. ;-)

Well, I know you are hosting a rendezvous point.  Maybe it could be nice
to add to the Cookbook both (how to setup a pair programming VM and how
to setup a Jami rendezvous) could be really worth.

Bah I have started to convert the Jérémy’s blog post to texi but then I
have forgotten to submit the patch.  Maybe I will resume… if no one
beats me. ;-)

It could be nice to have this “how to setup Jami” in the Cookbook.


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