Hi!  I reply below:

Em [2022-05-22 dom 17:26:55+0600], Akib Azmain Turja escreveu:
> Thanks a lot.  Just a question, where should I send the patch?
> guix-devel?

Did you send the patch?  I have searched debbugs and have not found any
such submission.  I care because:

1. It significantly pollutes the *Messages* buffer, which can mask
   important warnings such as when Emacs loads a .elc byte compiled file
   that is older than its source code.
2. For people who byte-compile Elisp files from a Makefile, these
   messages causes significant pollution, masking byte-compilation warnings.
3. For people who use the nativecomp feature (from a guix channel),
   the native compilation of *each* Emacs package yields loading messages
   for *every* Guix-installed Emacs package, resulting in O(n^2) growth.


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