On Tue, Aug 30, 2022 at 13:27:45 -0400, Peter Polidoro wrote:
This looks great, thank you!

I will test it out as soon as I get a chance.


- Set up static IPv4-only networking.

For my particular case I would like a dynamic IP address on the wan interface and static IP addresses on the lan interfaces if that is possible.

I haven't used DHCP. If you find out that dhcp-client-service-type is not flexible enough to listen only on the wan interface, you can always write your own service definition as I did for Dnsmasq.

To run without error, the code requires
nftables to be installed as it is used to check the rules.

Does nftables-service-type automatically install nftables?

Good you ask! My wording was a bit sloppy.

By specifying nftables-service-type, Guix does all necessary steps to configure the Linux kernel's Netfilter. So you don't have to think about that.

But have a look at these lines from my last mail:

(let ((port (open-output-pipe "nft -c -f -")))
  (display (plain-file-content %my-nftables-ruleset) port)
  (if (not (eqv? 0 (status:exit-val (close-pipe port))))
      (error "Nftables rules don't pass check")))

For the first test, you can just remove these four lines of code and don't worry about it.

I wrote this code, because I wanted to ensure that the rules are at least syntactically correct before Guix activates the new operating system definition. The main reason is that my router machine is quite slow and reconfiguration takes, say, a minute or so. If you configure your system with syntactically incorrect rules, 'herd status' (perhaps with 'sudo' in front of it) will report the service failing and there might be log messages at /var/log/messages. Make sure to have console access to the machine, as SSH (and networking in general) is likely to not work.

The above code invokes the 'nft' binary in check mode (-c) and pipes to it's standard input the rules, which are to be included in the operating system definition. If you don't have nft in a directory listed in your PATH environment variable, trying to invoke nft will lead to some error (a non-zero exit code of the shell). At this point, my code will just fail and you get no operating system definition at all.

There are more elegant ways to perform such a check. I am convinced it is possible to let the build daemon execute the check, but I haven't looked into that.


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