On Fri, 11 Nov 2022, Jake Shilling <shilling.j...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Personally, I only use scheme for my guix configuration and I dont't
> think Geiser is missing anything for that perpose. After all, I want my
> dotfiles to always be evaluated within the global guile environment for
> my user.
> At the same time, I think that having tooling issolate some files from
> the global environment is important for any code base that is going to
> be distributed to other users. (e.g. I want SLIME/Cider to only think
> about modules that are available within the declared dependencies of a
> particular project). Of course, containerize a particular project fairly
> effectively with direnv or dir-locals.el.
> If I were using scheme for anything more serious, I would probably want
> something more like SLIME/Cider, but for my use case there's nothing
> missing.

I see.  Thanks for you input!

Olivier Dion

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