
I'm trying to define and build a package with guix on Arch Linux. I'm
getting a "Could not resolve host: github.com" error when building. The
nscd daemon is running. I'm not experiencing any name resolution problems
outside guix.

The package definition: https://pastebin.com/UJEm396s
guix command I'm executing: `guix package --manifest=manifest.scm -v3`
guix log: https://pastebin.com/NYbH8iGX
nscd command: `sudo nscd --debug`
nscd log: https://pastebin.com/UCsxvQnc

There's nothing related to "github.com" in the nscd log, which makes me
question whether it is used for the name resolution at all. Since, for
example, if I run `ping github.com` on the host, I do see "github.com"
being mentioned in the nscd log.


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