Hello Peter,

have you solved your problem?

I never tested this, but I'll have to do...

Peter Polidoro <pe...@polidoro.io> writes:

> I am trying to setup an oauth2 email account to work with Emacs 
> using mbsync (from the isync guix package) and mu4e.


> What is the proper Guix way of getting mbsync to work with 
> XOAUTH2? Should I try to package cyrus-sasl-xoauth2 or modify the 
> isync package or something else? Thanks!

I can't help with packaging and integrating cyrus-sasl-xoauth2 with
isync but maybe getmail6 (packaged in Guix) is able to get your emails
from your enterprise IMAP server

This howto is for getmail 5.6 but AFAIU should also work for getmail6
(it's mentioned in the official getmail6 documentation [1]) 

Last but not least, please consider that if you can (and if your company
server/postmaster allows it) it's much better to use an "app password"
method instead of Oauth2

HTH! Gio'

P.S.: please give us feedback if you can, I think your is a common
problem among Guix users

[1] https://getmail6.org/configuration.html#retriever-parameters (search
for "use_xoauth2"

Giovanni Biscuolo

Xelera IT Infrastructures

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