> > Nevertheless, I guess a
> > hypothetical solution would be to allow Guix to — when desired — 
> > call
> > SSH with access to its TTY/PTY :)  
> Would you mind showing me how?

Oh, that'd be hard…  I meant modification to some internal code that
spawns an SSH process.  So that when certain CLI option is passed, Guix
does this without substituting stdin/stdout/stderr file descriptors.

Actually, I'm not even 100% sure the substitution is controlled
directly by Guix — it might be in libgit which IIRC is used for cloning

Anyway, this improvement would require digging deep into either Guix or
libgit. That's why I called it hypothetical — because it is too much
work to consider here :)

Anyway, if you're inclined to work around the problem, you might want
to experiment with the SSH_ASKPASS and SSH_ASKPASS_REQUIRE environment
variables.  So that you're asked to enter the password in a GUI.
See `man ssh` for more info about these vars

Happy Hacking!

-- (sig_start)
website: https://koszko.org/koszko.html
fingerprint: E972 7060 E3C5 637C 8A4F  4B42 4BC5 221C 5A79 FD1A
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✝ YnV0IEplc3VzIGRpZWQgdG8gc2F2ZSBtZQ== | ? U2hhbGwgSSBiZWNvbWUgSGlzIGZyaWVuZD8=
-- (sig_end)

On Thu, 07 Dec 2023 14:33:18 -0600 Mauritz Stenek <mste...@disroot.org> wrote:

> Nevertheless, I guess 
> > a
> > hypothetical solution would be to allow Guix to — when desired — 
> > call
> > SSH with access to its TTY/PTY :)  
> Would you mind showing me how?

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