Ryan Barber <r...@skyscraper.nu> writes:

> Specifically, I would like the laptop to hibernate when I close the lid. As
> it is, the screen turns off but the machine must continue running because
> the battery is completely exhausted after an hour or so.

There are two components to the problem:
1. Hibernation implementation
2. Desktop environment configuration to execute hibernation

My understanding is that if you use %desktop-services, the system should
be ready to accept the hibernation instructions from the desktop

The real issue is with the implementation — the manual page at [1] does
not describe the hibernation configuration too well, but it does contain
enough information to achieve the goal.

If hibernation does not work after all this, it is more likely that your
particular hardware does not work well enough with the Linux kernel.

[1]: https://guix.gnu.org/manual/devel/en/html_node/Swap-Space.html

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