        In my experience it tends to be best to have more than one
resource to look at. So having two would be a good thing. I have no real
complaints about either one. The Easy Guide got me a Hurd install up and
working and the trick with mounting home directories and shuffling
accounts over was one I wouldn't have even thought to ask of a first
install of an alpha OS. The newer guide sounds useful as well, though I
haven't used it to install yet. The only thing I would add is a few lines
before the explanation of grub dev names vs. hurd dev names. The long
explanation is fine, but when installing you just flat out want things up
and running quick. Perhaps a simple three column table. The first column
is disk ID's in linux. Second column could have the same drive label under
the Hurd, and the third under grub. Like so:

Linux           Hurd            Grub
/dev/hda1       /dev/hd0s1      hd(0,0)
/dev/hda2       /dev/hd0s2      hd(0,1)
/dev/hdb1       /dev/hd1s1      hd(1,0)
/dev/hdb2       /dev/hd1s2      hd(1,1)

        I'd add /dev/fd0 as well but I don't remember what that looks like
in Hurd or Grub off the top of my head. Haven't run either Grub or Hurd in
months, so please correct me if I made mistakes on this table. I really
think both guides are quite useful. I've learned things from both of them
that I didn't know before.
        And now that my critique is done, i have a question. When I
installed, which was awhile ago, installing from the deb packages didn't
work. I know, I tried... :)  So I'm kind of wondering if that's still true
or if it got fixed and I missed the announcement. I'm thinking an install
guide should have a dated note near the sections on installing from
packages saying that way has issues.


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