On Thu, Jan 03, 2002 at 06:19:08PM +0100, "Wikström, Mårten" wrote:
> I have a GNU/Linux partiton that I want to mount under /linux. I tried
> # settrans -c /linux /hurd/ext2fs /dev/hd0s2
> and it works. I can ls /linux. But when I try
> # ls /linux/bin
> it says
> ls: /linux/bin: Computer bought the farm
> What does that mean? And then when I try to ls /linux again I get:

What size is your hd0s2 partition?

Try "settrans -a ..." which will probably show more error messages.

> ext2fs: /dev/hd0s2: warning: FILESYSTEM NOT UNMOUNTED CLEANLY; PLEASE fsck
> ext2fs: /dev/hd0s2: warning: MOUNTED READ-ONLY; MUST USE `fsysopts --writable´
> I interpret this as that the translator died and left the partition in an 
>inconsistent state. What am I doing wrong?

No, it means it started up correctly so far and found the disk to be
unclean.  It's a warning, and it falls back to read only mode because of
that.  Remove the translator ("settrans -afg /linux") and then do

e2fsck /dev/hd0s2

and everything will be ok.  Or do "fsysopts /linux -w" to make it writeable
and continue at your own risk :)


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