> Bioinformatics 2004
> - Industry Impact and Outlook - 
> 26th & 27th May 2004, Marriott Kensington, London
> Effective use of bioinformatic systems can drastically
> reduce drug discovery and development timescales
> *     By using information technology and software tools
> to analyse gene sequences, genotypes that correspond 
> to certain medical conditions may be identified. 
> *     Informatics can then lead to the discovery of potential 
> molecular targets and subsequently the development 
> and design of drugs far more rapidly than previously possible.
> Bioinformatics 2004 will provide a unique overview of
> the technologies available and in development:
> Book early to secure your place - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Key themes will include:
> *     In depth analysis and strategies to improve information-flow
> *     Tactics for knowledge management and evolution of innovative informatic 
> solutions
> *     Finding the best ways to handle e-clinical data and upcoming opportunities in 
> this market
> *     Data analysis and integration: pointers on data mining, in silico research and 
> use of informatic tools
> *     Case studies of informatic systems: learn from leaders in the industry
> *     Current market and outlook: genomics, proteomics and pharmacogenomics
> Industry Leading speakers confirmed at this event:
> *     Dr. Mark Swindells, Chief Scientific Officer, Inpharmatica
> *     Dr. Charlie Hodgman, Chair of Bioinformatics, Uni. Nottingham & Midlands 
> Centre for Integrative Biology & Senior Informatics Leader, GSK
> *     Dr Luca Casareto, Director Bioinformatic Solutions, Informax
> *     Robin Clark, Managing Consultant, IBM Business Consulting Services
> *     Dr. Krister Kristianson, Director of Clinical Research, Merck
> *     Hani Kamel, Quality and Security Advisor, Novo Nordisk
> *     Dr. Richard Scott, Director of Technology Development, De Novo Pharmaceuticals
> *     Kevin Wandryk, VP Marketing & Business Development, Silicon Genetics
> *     Dr. Ulrich Meier, Industry Marketing Manager Life Sciences, Sun Microsystems
> *     Dr. Kal Ramnarayan, Vice President and CSO, Cengent Therapeutics
> *     Thure Etzold, Senior VP Bioinformatics, LION Bioscience
> *     David Lovell, Reader in Medical Statistics, University of Surrey & Associate 
> Director, European Head of Statistical Support to Clinical Pharmacology, Pfizer
> Who Should attend? (by job title)
> *     Global Head, Informatics & Knowledge Management
> *     Director of Medical Informatics
> *     Director of Discovery Research Informatics
> *     Head of Advanced Computing
> *     Head of Global IT Management
> *     Head/ Director of Bioinformatics
> *     Head of Datamining and Visualisation
> *     Senior Informatics Leader
> *     Head of Life Science Informatics
> *     Senior Scientist, Genomic Collaborations
> *     European Applications Specialist
> *     Director, Discovery Bioinformatics
> *     European Manager, Statistics & Information Science
> *     Director, IT Discovery Pharmaceuticals
> *     Director, Global Information Solutions
> *     Head of Informatics
> Please find below the conference agenda. To book your place at 
> Bioinformatics 2004 simply give me a quick ring or email me 
> stating whether you require a single place or a group booking
> Attend the:
> ** Conf. + pre conf. workshop GBP 1600.00 Plus VAT 
> ** Conference only Fee: GBP1299.00 Plus VAT
> ** Pre conference workshop only Fee: GBP 650.00 Plus VAT 
> Booking is easy, simply contact Lorraine Lescure on:
> Telephone: +44 (0)20 8767 6711
> Fax: +44 (0)20 8767 5001
> Email: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Terms and conditions apply - see below.
> I look forward to hearing from you soon.
> Regards,
> Lorraine Lescure
> Account Manager 
> Visiongain b2b Conferences 
> Tel: +44 (0) 20 8767 6711 
> http://www.b2b-conferences.com
> Sponsorship Opportunities
> This event will provide unrivalled opportunities to promote your brand to an 
> audience of senior level delegates. Decision makers from all aspec> ts of the 
> Bioinformatics industry will be in attendance, what better way to elevate your 
> product? We are continually recognised for providing innovative and effective means 
> to support your marketing requirements through sponsorship and exhibitions at our 
> leading events. 
> Options include:
> *     Full Conference Sponsorship 
> *     Exhibition Stand/Booth 
> *     Promotional Inserts 
> *     Delegate Bag Sponsor
> *     Cocktail Reception Sponsor 
> Whatever your budget, whatever your requirements we can find you a way to place your 
> brand at Bioinformatics 2004.
> ***Agenda***
> Pre-Conference Interactive Workshop
> Successful Licensing and Business Development
> Tuesday 25th May 2004
> Workshop Leaders: Mrs. Sharon Finch and Prof. Bill Dawson, Medius Associates
> Topics Under discussion:
> *     Logistics and planning the due diligence process
> *     Scientific and regulatory due diligence
> *     Intellectual property rights, legal and corporate due diligence
> *     Commercial and financial issues
> *     Logistics- planning and negotiation
> *     Preparation
> *     Understanding the third party
> *     Team roles and negotiation styles
> *     Negotiation tactics
> DAY 1 Wednesday 26th May 2004
> Conference Chairman
> David Lovell
> Reader in Medical Statistic
> University of Surrey
> 9:00 Registration and coffee
> 9:30 Opening remarks from the Chair
> 9:40 How to Transform Data into Commercially Valuable
> Information
> *>  Overcoming challenges faced by the pharmaceutical industry
> *>  Key organisational strategies: meeting the needs of the
> pharmaceutical vs biotech
> *>  What is the optimal structure for informatics in R&D?
> *>  How to use informatic services to facilitate drug discovery and
> development
> *>  A guide to transforming sequence data into validated drug targets
> Dr. Mark Swindells
> Chief Scientific Officer
> Inpharmatica
> 10:20 Aiding Business Strategy: An Information-Flow Model
> *>  Model: structured map of pharmaceutical information, depicting
> issues faced
> *>  Strategies for reducing costs through portfolio management and
> interconnectivity
> *>  Proposals for using information mechanisms for increased
> efficiency
> *>  Model for biotech:
> - where a novel technology might impact upon and improve the
> R&D process
> - where can service/ information providers position themselves for
> maximum benefit
> *>  Key thinking for business development
> Dr. Charlie Hodgman
> Chair of Bioinformatics
> Uni. Nottingham and Directorship of the Midlands Centre
> for Integrative Biology
> 11:00 Morning Coffee
> 11:20 Pointers for Choosing the Best Partnership for You
> *>  Licensing out products following pre-clinical development
> *>  How to identifying the correct product to license in
> *>  Gaining or giving access to technologies, which will be the best for
> you?
> *>  Recommendations on which route to take: comparison of different
> agreements
> Panel Discussion and Questions
> 12:00 Procedures in Driving Data Workflow Integration for
> Effective Information Management
> *>  How to alleviate the bottlenecks in the life science pipeline
> - better investment in tools and applications
> *>  Can better integration techniques ease the burden of delivering
> faster processes?
> *>  Large bioinformatic systems versus integrated discrete solutions
> *>  Informax bioinformatics solutions for workflow optimisation and
> pipeline integration
> Dr Luca Casareto
> Director
> Bioinformatic Solutions
> Informax
> 12:40 Lunch
> 14:00 In silico Research: How it can link your Drug Discovery to
> Development
> *>  Advantages of in silico drug trials
> *>  The future of simulation modelling of drug trials
> *>  How to use in silico tools for reliable property prediction and
> rational chemical design
> *>  Potential enhancement of the overall R&D productivity
> *>  Challenges of in silico biology technology for tomorrow
> Dr. Richard Scott> 
> Director of Technology Development
> De Novo Pharmaceuticals
> 14:40 Informatics Software Market: Breaking Constraints and
> Handling Competition
> *>  Area sectors: specialising in software packages for visualising,
> interpreting and analysing data
> *>  How to overcome constraints of this niche market
> - limited number of customers
> - diverse informatic needs of clients
> *>  How to handle direct competition
> - free or publicly available software and tools
> - direct competition from academic institutions
> - small startups v large companies
> Kevin Wandryk
> VP Marketing & Business Development
> Silicon Genetics
> 15:20 Afternoon Tea
> 15:40 Strategies for Reducing the Time and Cost of Running Trials,
> whilst increasing the Quality of Data
> *>  Difficulties faced in drug development
> *>  Turning challenges to opportunities
> *>  How to simplify and automate trial processes, for example:
> - by transforming trial management
> - taking EDC to the next level
> - implementing an efficient archival strategy
> *>  A holistic approach to clinical data
> Robin Clark
> Managing Consultant
> IBM Business Consulting Services
> 16:20 Questions and Discussion
> 16:40 Close of Day One
> DAY 2 Thursday 27th May 2004
> Conference Chairman
> David Lovell
> Reader in Medical Statistic
> University of Surrey
> 9:00 Registration and Coffee
> 9:30 Opening remarks from the chair
> 9:40 Electronic Medical Records or e-source: how to cut your
> monitoring cost in half by no more SDV, no more data entry
> no missed data
> *>  EMR's - a challenge to the conduct of clinical trials
> *>  How to deal with its rapid entry into the hospital and medical
> records
> *>  Increased complications in the access to the source: security and
> privacy of the hospital system
> *>  How to use opportunities in the market
> Dr. Krister Kristianson
> Director of Clinical Research
> Merck
> 10:20 Data Standards and the FDA: Overcoming the Challenges
> Associated with E-Clinical Trials
> *>  Evaluating FDA acceptance of new technologies in clinical trials
> *>  Implementation of e-signatures
> *>  Reconciliation with HL7 standards
> *>  Using clinical data interchange standards for the development of
> e-clinical trials
> Charles Jaffe
> Director of Medical Informatics
> AstraZeneca
> 11:00 Morning Coffee
> 11:20 Key Tactics to Enhance Global Data Security
> *>  Meeting universal requirements: what regulatory problems could
> arise?
> *>  Overcoming the scientific problems that can arise from poor
> security
> *>  Recommendations for enabling global security to fit unobtrusively
> into the clinical environment
> *>  Proposals to ensure clinical data security over the web
> Hani Kamel
> Quality and Security Advisor
> Novo Nordisk
> 12:00 CASE STUDY: Grid Computing and its Impact on Your
> Network
> *>  Grid computing solutions- tackles complex computer intensive
> tasks quickly and cost-effectively
> *>  Three basic deployment types: cluster grids, enterprise grids, and
> global grids
> *>  What benefits do grids delivery that traditional computing models
> are not able to?
> *>  Sun's bio-grid strategy
> *>  Sun infrastructure solutions: transforming technology into business
> results
> *>  Deploying grid computing for a competitive advantage
> Dr. Ulrich Meier
> Industry Marketing Manager
> Life Sciences
> Sun Microsystems
> 12:40 Lunch
> 14:00 CASE STUDY: Accelerating Your Drug Discovery with Genes
> to Leads
> *>  How can genes to leads deliver selective hits in as little as 60
> days?
> *>  Key differentiators from alternative drug discovery approaches
> *>  Features and benefits of proprietary technology
> *>  Success in discovering potent small-molecule leads for anthrax
> infection and PTP1B
> *>  Genes to Leads success summary
> Dr. Kal Ramnarayan
> Vice President and CSO
> Cengent Therapeutics
> 14:40 CASE STUDY: SRS Gateway for Oracle, Reducing the> 
> Challenges for the Life Science Industry
> *>  SRS and the oracle database
> *>  What are the benefits of combining the power of two industry-leading
> platforms
> *>  Experience of SRS collaborations, the SRS evolution
> *>  The drive for drug discovery, a working progress
> Thure Etzold
> Senior VP Bioinformatics
> LION Bioscience
> 15:20 Afternoon Tea
> 15:40 Managing Collection, Analysis and Interpretation of Data
> from Functional Proteomics
> *>  Data from functional proteomics: how to effectively and efficiently
> manage it
> *>  Statistical input into the design, analysis and interpretation of
> functional proteomic studies
> *>  Achieving synergy between bioinformatics and statistics
> *>  Linking analysis of pharmacogenomic data into drug discovery and
> development
> David Lovell
> Reader in Medical Statistics
> University of Surrey
> 16:20 Questions and Discussion
> 16:40 Chairman Summation
> 16:50 Close of Conference
> Visiongain/B2B Conferences produce a range of timely business information material, 
> if you wish to receive information of new products, simply reply to this email with 
> ' New Products info' in the subject box
> Terms & Conditions
> NB - Due to high demand, we do not 'reserve' or 'hold' places - a request for an 
> invoice to be raised will be treated as an official booking and will be subject to 
> the cancellation policy as outlined below.
> Cancellations/substitutions and name changes: All bookings carry a 50% liability 
> after the booking has been made, by post fax, email or web. There will be no refunds 
> for cancellations received on or after one month before the start of the conference 
> (e.g. cancellation on or after 20th January for a conference starting on 20th 
> February). If you decide to cancel after this date the full invoice remains payable. 
> Conference notes, which are available on the day, will be sent to you. Unfortunately 
> we are not able to transfer places between conferences and executive briefings. 
> However if you are unable to attend the event you may make a substitution/name 
> change at any time as long as we are informed in writing by e-mail, fax or post. 
> Name changes and substitutions must be from the same company and are not 
> transferable between companies or countries.
> Indemnity: visiongain Ltd reserve the right to change the conference/executive 
> briefing content, timing, speakers or venue without notice. The event may be 
> postponed or cancelled due to acts of terrorism, war, extreme weather conditions, 
> industrial action, acts of God or any event beyond the control of visiongain Ltd. If 
> such a situation arises we will endeavour to reschedule the event. However, 
> visiongain Ltd cannot be held responsible for any cost, damage or expenses, which 
> may be incurred by the customer as a consequence of the event being postponed or 
> cancelled. We therefore strongly advise all customers to take out insurance to cover 
> the cost of the registration, travel and expenses.
> To unsubscribe please reply with unsubscribe in the subject line. 
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> Protection Act 1998. Information contained about you may be used to update you on 
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> Alternatively, you can visit our website www.visiongain.com 
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