>    I had to use the "DHCP workaround" to get resolv.conf, but it's in.
> I'm assuming that by this you mean running dhclient in GNU/Linux,
> snatching the IP numbers etc, and rebooting.
>    I'm not sure what else I should test to see where the problem is
> (networking is NOT my specialty!).
> It could be that the lease timeout is very short, or similar.  DHCP
> under GNU/Hurd isn't exactly supported well...  If you are dual
> booting you can always setup a hack that allows you to download
> packages in Debian GNU/Linux, and then rebooting to install them in
> Debian GNU/Hurd.  This is what I did for a very long time when I
> didn't have a NIC that was supported (or easily hackable).

I don't think the lease is timing out, since the IP address according to
linux is the same as it was a few weeks ago.  I'll poke around some more,
maybe I mistyped the IP or something stupid (but I don't think so).

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