On Wed, Jun 01, 2005 at 08:35:17AM +0200, Marco Gerards wrote:
> There is a patch for pfinet, but it is not applied yet.  I will have a
> look at this patch soon to fix it.  I wonder what the status of the
> dhclient related script is, especially setting the default gateway.
> I think it will all work if you use debian.

Except for the MAC address handling.  The Hurd part of the patch is in
the Debian package, but the glibc part is not (see
http://bugs.debian.org/295117 )

The other problem is that no dhcp package exists in any official or
semi-official repository, but this should be addressed soon (albeit with
a hacky dhclient script, nobody submitted a clean one yet)


Michael Banck
Debian Developer

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