I am using The easy guide to installing Hurd on a Linux box - http://www.pick.ucam.org/~mcv21/hurd.html - and have several questions. I am trying to dedicate a 1.2 gb HD to Hurd using Knoppix. I have a K7N2 MB AMD 2500+ 1 gb RAM. I partitioned my HD to 688 mb root (partition 1) and 512 mb swap (partition 2)
1.   Are these GRUB commands correct for my partiton setup:
   kernel=/boot/gnumach.gz root=hd1s1 -s
   module=/boot/ gnumach.hz
2. When I enter the above GRUB commands and enter 'boot' my machine reboots. The instructions speak of, "Mach now starts its general boot process. Note that it doesn't support IRQ sharing, so you may find a conflict (especially with serial ports) that didn't occur with Linux. If this is the case, changing the offending port's IRQ or disabling it should work. Eventually, you will get a prompt." I do not know what to diable in my BIO.

Thank you very much,

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