On 27.12.2011 at 01:15 Patrice Dumas wrote:

>On Tue, Dec 27, 2011 at 12:39:30AM +0100, Andreas Falkenhahn wrote:
>> On 26.12.2011 at 23:47 Patrice Dumas wrote:
>> Thanks a lot, now it's working indeed! There's just one minor problem
>> For foo.texi, texi2html creates an entry file named foo_frame.html and
>> file references foo.html for the main frame in this line:
>> <frame name="main" src="foo.html">
>> foo.html, however, is not created by texi2html so opening foo_frame.html
>> in a browser leads to a 404 error in the right frame.
>That looks like a bug.  Can you send an example manual any
>required init file (I guess none are needed) and the call
>of texi2html?

Sure, check out the attached mini test texi. The call goes like this:
$ texi2html -frames -split node test.texi

test_frame.html will then reference the file test.html but test.html won't
be created at all.

>Also, you could try the latest almost released version of
>or even the texi2html version inside of the texinfo cvs...
>But if you go that far, you could as well turn to the
>new implementation that should be released someday, and
>use texi2any...

Testing new versions is not that easy for me because I'm on cygwin and
I'm not sure if I can simply drop new versions into my cygwin installation.

Why is the new version bumped to 5.0 by the way? Is it a complete
rewrite or something?

>This also (with version 1.82, at least) requires using an init file.
>You need to redefine the program_string function reference, like

Thanks, works like a charm. Another question:

Is it possible to get rid of the "Section" links in the Index? In my document,
index entries and section entries use identical names. Thus, the index looks
kind of redundant because it goes like this:

Index Entry              Section
An index entry          5.7 An index entry
Another index entry   5.3 Another index entry
Last index entry        10.9 Last index entry

It would be totally sufficient for my purposes if there was only the left column
(Index Entry) in the Index. The section entries could be left out altogether.


Attachment: test.texi
Description: Binary data

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