
I have read the specification, looks good, none of the ??? looked
like stumbling blocks.

Using mime types for images seems to me the way to go, it could be
easily extended then.  The image formats selected could be as large as
what we select for docbook or as narrow as what is selected for HTML.

Now turning to some implementation, I have looked over the
Data::Stag::SxprWriter code, and it is so simple that I think it would
be better to modify the XML texi2any backend to be able to directly
output SXML.  One thing that is not clear to me is what should be done
for entities.  If they are expanded (as specified in the DTD, for 
example), in some cases, there is some information lost.  In my opinion
it would be better to keep the entity information in the SXML.  Would 
there be some way to specify atoms that correspond with entity?  

For example:

  @copyright{} @error{}

Could be like

  (para (@) (copyright) (errorglyph))

but it doesn't look very correct.  An idea on what should be done for


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