On Sat, Jul 25, 2020 at 08:03:58PM +0200, Christopher Dimech wrote:
> I have written a macro for texinfo
> @macro GPage{titl, titlCn, subTitl, subTitlCn, date}
> ...
> @end macro
> Call to macro
> @GPage{, 1 @ User Freedom, Sub, Test, Friday 24 July 2020}
> Is there a way to determine whether an argument has been passed or not?
> Currently I am checking using set variables
> @macro GPage{titl, titlCn, subTitl, subTitlCn, date}
> @title @sc{\titl\ @* \titlCn\}
> @inlineifset{GSt, @subtitle \subTitl\}
> @inlineifset{GToday , @subtitle \subTitlCn\ @today{}}
> @inlineifclear{GToday , @subtitle \subTitlCn\ \date\}
> @end macro

I don't see how your macro works.  How are GSt etc. set?

I don't think there is a good way to do this.  You are better off using 
several macros with different parameters, and not having any empty 
arguments.  Another option is not using macros at all.

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