Because my package requires them.  I managed to get a decent bibliography
good enough for release.  If some humps are smoothed, I can see that texinfo
would have great capability.  For instance, having math in html produced much
interest.  Gavin has also got to some small page sizes as well, which makes
texinfo very attractive.  Stallman has written his book in texinfo.  I also
found it much better than you envisage.


Christopher Dimech
Chief Administrator - Naiad Informatics - GNU Project (Geocomputation)
- Geophysical Simulation
- Geological Subsurface Mapping
- Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation
- Natural Resource Exploration and Production
- Free Software Advocacy

> Sent: Saturday, October 24, 2020 at 12:41 AM
> From: "Karl Berry" <>
> To:
> Cc:,
> Subject: Re: @ref without page numbers
> Christopher, if you want to write full technical documents with lots of
> references, math, etc., why don't you just use LaTeX? Texinfo is not
> designed for this. Trying to shoehorn it to fit seems fraught with problems.
> Using @ref for bibliography entries seems like a problem in the first
> place. Texinfo doesn't have any real bibliography support. All the
> workarounds in the world are not going to produce robust output or
> processing.
> Just my unasked-for $.002, sorry,
> Karl

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