On Sun, Nov 08, 2020 at 01:15:06AM +0100, Christopher Dimech wrote:
> Did not know about the doubling \\.  How is that?

It's explained in the manual.

> Could you include an example
> of a macro with Mathematical expression?  Have written an example for you.
> @macro Mtk
> @tex
> In spherical coordinates, the Laplacian Operator is $\\nabla^2 \\phi(r)$.
> $$\\nabla^2 \\phi(r) =
>   {1 \\over r^2} {\\partial \\over \\partial r}
>   \\bigg\\lbrack r^2 {\\partial \\phi \\over \\partial r}\\bigg\\rbrack$$
> @end tex
> @end macro
> @Mtk

Your example works perfectly; what is the problem with it?

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