On Sun, Nov 15, 2020 at 05:12:13PM +0100, Christopher Dimech wrote:
> But now I have understood the problem,
> Although the file exists at 
> ../Ideogr/Ch03b--Chmed/igc03--01--Sicl--CircAmRg.png
> because the html index file resides in a subdirectory generated by texi2any, 
> the
> code got to be changed to
> @image{../../Ideogr/Ch03b--Chmed/igc03--01--Sicl--CircAmRg,8cm,8cm,AltText,png}
> Furthermore, you cannot put ".png" as the fifth argument because for html 
> that will
> fail.  You have to put "png", without the period dot.

Actually this is problematic as it requires to put an extension and
there is an error message stating that the file was not found.

It probably should be documented that
* the file should be relative to the location where texi2any is called
  if it is a file starting with ., .. or there will be a message
* the file should be relative to the final directory to be found by 

Probably the way to go in the case of a split manual is to
* prepopulate the directory where the split manual will be with the 
  images. Can be in a subdirectory.
* use names in @image without leading ., like
* call texi2any with a -I for the final directory, like
   texi2any --html -I my_manual my_manual.texi

Should it be documented?


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