On Wed, Nov 18, 2020 at 09:47:09PM +0000, Gavin Smith wrote:
> I doubt that relative names beginning "../" were much considered
> when @image was implemented (or even file names with directory parts
> at all).
> I haven't thought of a clear answer for this issue yet.  I think that
> for split output, the image files need to be copied into the output
> directory and the file names should be given under that, not beginning
> "../".  Alternatively, you could create a symbolic link to a directory
> containing the image files under the output directory.
> It's odd that the include path should be searched for image files.
> This makes sense for TeX but not for other formats, as there is no
> search path for image files for HTML or Info.  It would only make sense
> if texi2any was going to copy the image files to the output location.

I think that if the path does not starts with . or .. or is an absolute
path, it would make sense
1) to search in include directories (I think that the current directory 
  is always in front of of the search path)
2) to check if the directories and image file exist in the destination 
  directory and if not copy the file

For point 2), there could be a customization variable to prevent the
copy, that would be off in the default case, but can be turned on for
the users who want backward compatibility or do something else by
themselves, for instance use links.


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