
Diffs of .texi files are often hard to review, because the committer has
reformatted (refilled) the paragraph.

The Linux man-pages project has this guidance to avoid this problem (in
groff -mandoc source, not in .texi files): [1]

    Use semantic newlines
       In the source of a manual page, new sentences should be started
       on new lines, and long sentences should be split into lines at
       clause breaks (commas, semicolons, colons, and so on).  This
       convention, sometimes known as "semantic newlines", makes it
       easier to see the effect of patches, which often operate at the
       level of individual sentences or sentence clauses.

Has anyone already used this convention for .texi files? Is it a
good convention to follow?


[1] https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/man-pages.7.html

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