Is this the app named "trails"?  If so, I saw a problem with it
earlier today and fixed it.

As for importing, it's definitely still less robust than I'd like it
to be.  There's lots of different things that can be wrong with the
imported archive (persmissions, directory structure, or simply too
big) that can interfere with the import, and unfortunately the various
types of errors messages that you get aren't to informative.  We're
working on improving this.

I will note that when you get the Nginx error it usually means you
exceeded the client max body size, which is currently set to 10 megs.
So check your archive for things you can delete, like logs and tmp
files, vendor/rails, or even plugins (you can always install them
again from within Heroku once it's imported).

Another approach is to import via git, which gives you more direct
control over the process.  Of course this requires a bit more
knowledge, but it may be a good way to go if the tarball import is
giving you problems.


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