I surelly will do it

On Thu, Jun 5, 2008 at 9:36 AM, Morten Bagai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Awesome. Please let us know if you run into any issues.
> /Morten
> On Jun 4, 2008, at 1:30 AM, Giorgio Clavelli wrote:
>> Thanks Morten,
>> A post like this is exactly what I needed to get started with Git
>> on Windows
>> :)
>> Giorgio
>> On Wed, Jun 4, 2008 at 9:40 AM, Morten Bagai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> wrote:
>>> Hello everyone,
>>> One of the first things Pedro and I have been working on here at
>>> Heroku is getting the API to work better with Windows, and provide
>>> the same seamless experience you're used to from Unix/Linux/OS X. As
>>> a result we have a new & improved client gem available for you with
>>> the following tweaks:
>>> == The client now correctly detects the location of the user's home
>>> directory
>>> on Windows. This will typically be along the lines of "C:
>>> \Documents and
>>> Settings\username".
>>> == If your ssh key is in a location other than HOME\.ssh, you can now
>>> specify
>>> the key path using the optional -k/--key switch. For example: "heroku
>>> upload_authkey -k C:\mykeys\id_rsa.pub". This also works on Unix/
>>> Linux/OS X,
>>> of course.
>>> == When entering your Heroku password on Windows, the entry is now
>>> masked.
>>> If you've been waiting to get started with the Heroku client on
>>> Windows, the
>>> process is now as simple as:
>>> 1. Follow of one of the many tutorials on how to get Git running on
>>> Windows.
>>> There's an excellent one here, which also shows you how to create an
>>> SSH key
>>> with the Cygwin tools included with Git for Windows:
>>> http://github.com/guides/newbies-guide-for-git-on-windows. Steps 1-3
>>> are all
>>> you need to care about.
>>> 2. "gem install heroku" (should say version 0.3).
>>> 3. Fire up the Windows Command Prompt or the included Bash-git and
>>> type in a
>>> command such as "heroku list".
>>> Let us know how the new gem works for you, especially if you're on
>>> Windows.  Post here or email me privately.
>>> /Morten
>> >
> >

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