Adam, thanks for getting back to me

I can think of a couple of things, but, since I really don't know your
architecture, it is difficult to describe an implementation:
  - add debug detail to the page source, so deliver 500 but with more
HTML comments...
  - error_log filter by request IP logic - capture the IP I am using
to edit the application and provide an anchor to get to that filtered
log using that IP as filter....not perfect and possibly expensive
filter operation, but the only reasonable option I can think of...

I am going to do more testing with uploading one attachment, no
attachments, etc..  it is definitely not over the size limit. and I
have been closely monitoring the logs I have access to...the request
never get's that far.

Let me see if I can isolate it a bit more.


On Jun 23, 3:21 pm, "Adam Wiggins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 23, 2008 at 11:08 AM, dennis_j <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 1) Are you going to provide more "upstream" error logging, worst case,
> > it helps folks like me diagnose bugs for you...
> I'm all for that - what did you have in mind?  The only additional
> thing I can think of offhand would be to make the Nginx error logs for
> your app available somehow, but to date when we've tried this it's
> been hard to get just the logs relevant to your app sorted out due to
> the complexity of the routing that's happening in our front-end load
> balancers.
> > 2) The error occurs in a rather complicated form POST with multiple
> > multipart attachments, which are in term passed through rMagick
> > filters (I think), so it may be related to that.
> Since I don't know what you're uploading and where, I can't try it myself, 
> but:
> - I checked your development.log and don't see any FAILSAFE errors, so
> it seems to not be Rails throwing an exception (unless your logs have
> been cycled since you last got the error).
> - I checked our logs and don't see anything.
> - Are you uploading a file larger than 10MB?  The front-end load
> balancers will reject all POST/PUT bodies larger than that.
> Adam
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