Thanks for that.  There is a mention of yamldb in the docs, but it
neglects to mention that you need to install it.  I should have read
the docs more carefully.

I've finally got my app ( all working on
Heroku, and I must say it's very snappy (not that garden was slow).

I have a few issues with plugins that were installed in the garden
version, but were not in the git repo for some reason.  I managed to
add them locally and push them up to the live system and it's all
working swimmingly, although I'm still getting my head around git (I'm
a longtime cvs/svn user).

Now to rewrite some of the nastier bits of code and replace gruff with


On 22 Mar, 21:55, Keenan Brock <> wrote:
> The database load tasks are from a plugin. The location of the plugin  
> should be in this group or the heroku website
> If you can't find give a shout and will try and track down. (iPhone  
> and no copy/paste makes task difficult for me)
> On Mar 22, 2009, at 4:51 PM, Paul Leader <> wrote:
> > I've followed the instructions for migrating my app from Herokugarden
> > to heroku, but I'm having a problem with the final step.
> > If I try to load my data from db/data.yml, I get:
> > rake aborted!
> > Don't know how to build task 'db:data:load'
> > Any idea what's up with this?  Obviously the rake targets are missing,
> > but I can't work out where they should be.
> > My app is
> > Paul
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