Thanks for the reply. I'll have to play around with it a bit. I pulled
from the git repo directly, I'll maybe have to try doing it through
heroku itself or try out other ideas. I had assumed the repo would
know about heroku already! Strange...

On Apr 19, 7:37 pm, Mat Schaffer <> wrote:
> On Apr 19, 2009, at 10:01 PM, Raymond Brigleb wrote:
> > Hi there. I set up an app in git yesterday, pushed it to Heroku
> > following all the instructions, and everything seemed swell. Then my
> > laptop died, and I had to switch to another computer!
> > I pulled that same repo from Git, and everything is working fine here.
> > However, it doesn't recognize my folder as a Heroku app.
> > $ heroku info
> > No app specified.
> > If I try the same command with --app application-name-99 it works
> > fine. However, I feel like there must be a way to tell this folder
> > what my application is, so that I can run commands as expected.
> > I looked through the docs and the command line help as much as
> > possible, but can't get it working. Any suggestions?
> Looking at the extract_app_in_dir method in the heroku gem, it looks  
> like it just looks for a remote that has the heroku host in it:
> remote.match(/url = g...@#{}:([\w\d-]+)\.git/)
> seems to be or from the HEROKU_HOST environment  
> variable:
>, password, ENV['HEROKU_HOST'] || '')
> How did you pull your copy? Git clone should set up heroku as  
> 'origin'. Check to see if your .git/config looks parse-able by that  
> regexp above.
> -Mat
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