I have a simple application with the Post table (generated with
scaffold command scaffold post title:string) (sqlite3, utf-8 encoding
in db) with 1 column is title,
Further on the local computer, I do, rake db: migrate RAILS_ENV =
and ruby script/server -e production, in the browser entered localhost:
3000/posts and I turn to the presentation and I can add entries in the
production table.

at heroku, I tried the following ways:
heroku config: add RAILS_ENV=production
rake db: migrate RAILS_ENV=production

and when I turn on http://myappname.heroku.com/posts and see the error
"Error 503 Service Unavailable",: (

I also add a line ENV[ 'RAILS_ENV'] | | = 'production' in the file
environment.rb, but it also does not work, run in development.
I have one idea to simply replace the contents of the file containing
the file development.rb production.rb, but it is not nice = /

Dear friends, help me.  (sorry for my bad english)
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