Would "heroku db:reset" on the staging server prior to the db:push not
ensure that the tables/data had been cleared?


On Feb 5, 11:08 pm, Alex Chaffee <ale...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've set up two Heroku instances, one for production and one for
> staging. When I deploy to staging I copy the production database over
> (using "heroku db:pull" followed by "heroku db:push --app
> cohuman-staging") and run all migrations (using "heroku rake
> db:migrate --app cohuman-staging"). So far so good.
> Sometimes we don't want to push to production right away; we need to
> fix bugs or whatever on staging. But then we have to deploy to staging
> again.
> Here comes the problem: since I copy the production database again, I
> need to run migrations again. But if one of those migrations renames a
> table, I get a Postgres error:
> /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-2.3.5/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/abstract_adapter.rb:219:in
> `log': An error has occurred, this and all later migrations canceled:
> (StandardError)
> PGError: ERROR:  relation "followings" already exists
> : ALTER TABLE "interests" RENAME TO "followings"
> Apparently "heroku db:push" doesn't clear out the database first, so
> the old new table (if that makes sense) is still around.
> My solution was to add the following in my "rename" migration:
>   def self.up
>     execute "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS followings"
>     rename_table :interests, :followings
>   end
> It's kind of annoying, partly since this code is only necessary on
> staging, so it's needlessly complicating things when run on
> production...
> I'd be interested to hear if anyone has any cleaner solutions. For
> example, if I start using Heroku Bundles for backup, can I restore
> from my production backup to my staging database? (I admit I haven't
> used bundles yet and am sketchy on the details so feel free to RTFM
> me.)
>  - Alex
> P.S. I've got a relatively clean rakefile for wrapping deploys to
> Heroku with things like grepping git logs and sending an email; let me
> know if anyone's interested and I'll post it in a gist or something.
> ---
> Alex Chaffee - a...@cohuman.com -http://alexch.github.com
> Stalk 
> me:http://friendfeed.com/alexch|http://twitter.com/alexch|http://alexch.tumblr.com

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