Hrm, I seem to have lost the first few repies.

1) you can see an archive of all issues here:
2) Sigh, I had a long long response here.  Short version - we've got
advanced monitoring.  The pagers went off before any user knew about the
problem.  We were working on it within 2 m

On Mon, Mar 15, 2010 at 9:44 AM, Oren Teich <> wrote:

>  at this time.
>> [/QUOTE]
>> However, my app would still not start at Mar 14, 2010 - 4:25 UTC.
> That sounds odd for sure.  In the future, make sure to submit a ticket if
> you're seeing errors.  We had no other reports that I'm aware of.  It's
> possible you got unlucky somehow.
>> So, what exactly is the definition of "New and idled apps".   My
>> understanding is that as long as I'm paying for dynos that my app will
>> not go idle, but if I increase the dynos from say 4 to 10 are the 6
>> new dynos considered 'new' and won't start in such a situation?  What
>> about workers?
>> What about accidentally pushing a 'new' version of code during such an
>> outage?  I assume this would effectively bring my running app offline.
> When issues like this occur, the system automatically identifies it, and
> prevents users from hurting things.  You can't push, you can't change your
> dynos or workers.  We make sure your app continues to run while we find and
> resolve the issue.
>> 4) If I have a running app that is being concurrently hit by say 100
>> users.  What is the exact process the server takes when I push a new
>> version of code?  In other words, do those 100 users immediately get
>> disconnected, or does Heroku spin up the new app, redirecting all new
>> requests to the new version once it is online, and then terminate the
>> 'old' version dynos after all existing requests to those dynos have
>> been satisfied?  Basically, what is the user experience for someone
>> who is in the middle of submitting their credit card info at the
>> precise time that I push a new version of code?
> The latter.  Open request are served on the old dynos, which are then
> replaced with new ones.  Users don't see anything.
>> 5) I'm a little concerned about recent posts dealing with getting
>> large datasets in and out of the database on Heroku.  I've read plenty
>> of creative ideas on how to get the data in and out, but nothing that
>> would really be considered acceptable for a high traffic site that
>> needs virtually zero downtime (especially with the posts saying that
>> Taps gets really slow after about 500 MB).  Does Heroku have any plans
>> of making it easier to get large datasets in and out of the database?
>> What about scaling the database?  It's easy to spin up app dynos, but
>> what about moving from a Fugu database to a Zilla?  What kind of
>> downtime are we looking at for such a transition?  (How about from
>> Ronin -> Fugu?)  The faqs state: "Switching to/from a dedicated
>> database usually takes one business day as our support staff processes
>> the requests, and verifies that data migrations completed
>> successfully."  I assume this is for switching between say Koi and
>> Ronin, but is it also true for Ronin->Fugu->Zilla?
> There's two issues: one the ingress/outgress of big data.  We're working on
> improvements and docs for this.
> Two - dedicated DB migrations.  We handle this for you, and will coordinate
> with you.  It takes 1-2 days to do, with a few minutes of down time each
> time you switch.  That's between any dedicated option.  We'll work with you
> directly to coordinate.
>> 6) I assume I would be looking to move away from Heroku long before I
>> reached 2TB of data limit on the database (since at that point I would
>> be looking for redundant systems that can have read/write traffic
>> separated, etc which Heroku doesn't appear to support), but how would
>> I get this data off Heroku?
> We haven't had anyone leave due to traffic or size yet.  If you start
> hitting performance bottlenecks, we'd love to work with you to optimize the
> system or make any changes needed.
> That said, you can always request a data dump for us if the tools aren't
> working for you.
> 7) What systems are used to store the database data?  In other words,
>> how safe is my data in the event of system failure (hard disk, etc)?
>> Single disk,  Raid 1, Raid 5, Raid 10, etc?
> Very safe.  There's a combination of protection at every layer.  SW raid
> across EBS (which are themselves RAIDed), daily backups of all data, etc.
>> 8) In the event of system failure, what kind of support can I expect
>> from Heroku to get the database back online?  (Meaning that a hard
>> disk failure with a response of "restore from your backup bundle"
>> would not be considered acceptable.  Transaction logs would need to be
>> replayed, etc.)
> We provide full support for this.  We'll take care of it for you.
>> 9) DNS related:  Is it possible to have say 2 set subdomains for a
>> given domain (ex:, that point
>> to separate apps, and then have a catchall domain point to a 3rd app?
>> Ex: points to a given app for any value of
>> XYZ.  The docs seem to indicate that I need to use the heroku console
>> to add any subdomains, so what I'm looking for is how I would add a
>> catchall domain in Heroku.
> Wildcard domain, or add each domain independently, your choice.
> Oren

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