Hi Daz

> I'd also like to map docs.energiehelpline.co.uk to map to
> docs.enegiehelpine.co.uk.s3.amazonaws.com, as outlined in this thread
> here:http://groups.google.com/group/heroku/browse_thread/thread/55d6cfea1f...

There are two options that I can think of.  One is to setup a
redirector (either on heroku or on another server that performs a 301
or 302 redirection to the correct location on S3.

The other alternative, which I use, is Amazon CloudFront, which is
their content distribution network.

If you go to http://graphomatic.net/ you'll see a video, which is
hosted on http://media.graphomatic.net.   media.graphomatic.net is
actually a CNAME record pointing to an address on Amazon's Cloudfront
network, which is in turn mapped to a bucket on S3.  This gives me
nicer URLs, and also faster downloads of the video.

Obviously that adds a little to you S3 costs, but I find S3 so cheap
that it's not a big deal.  If you need to serve a lot of large files
then it may be prohibitive.


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