
Could you share those rake tasks? Be interested in checking them out



On Jun 23, 5:58 am, Arron Washington <> wrote:
> Nobody?
> OK, I'll share what I do. :3
> For an important project hosted on Heroku (that I don't want to go
> down), I tend to wrap everything up in rake tasks that handle
> deployment, caching assets on Amazon S3/Cloudfront, etc. As part of
> these tasks, I also include the ability to roll back to a previous (or
> arbitrary) Git commit. I use the 'git' gem to handle these commands
> internally, and since there's always an official repo that isn't
> hosted by Heroku, it's safe to nuke the Heroku repositories using the
> '--force' flag when required. Once the tasks are developed and the app
> is live, nobody is allowed to do a raw `git push` to the Heroku
> remotes anymore.
> We keep our environments/staging.rb as close to our environments/
> production.rb as possible.
> Deploy tasks also capture a Heroku bundle for each deploy, but I think
> the Heroku bundles also take a snapshot of the database -- data is
> generally not something we're willing to use during an emergency
> recovery, so we don't use the bundles. They're there just in case.
> On Jun 18, 7:49 pm, Neil Middleton <> wrote:
> > Following on partly from my earlier email about support:
> > We have an app that we've deployed a production and staging environment for.
> >  The idea being that all deployments go via staging prior to production as a
> > way of testing that Heroku is happy to spin up and 'accept' our application
> > (config is nearly always the issue).
> > Question is, what steps do people do to prevent themselves from ending up
> > with a production app that's failing to start?  I know some users are
> > pushing a large amount of traffic where downtime is unacceptable, so what do
> > you do to protect yourself?  How do you recover if things go bad?
> > For anyone to trust something as different as Heroku, I think you have to
> > know how to get back to a working state asap without outside intervention
> > where possible.

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