
I had a field called main_entity_id on a query table on heroku, which
I hence renamed to entity_id in dev. I have pushed the new code out to
heroku but the schema still has main_entity_id and fails in different
places. For example:

ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid (PGError: ERROR:  column
"main_entity_id" of relation "queries" does not exist

I tried heroku db:reset (which runs through without error, but doesnt
fix the problem, the same stale field name remains),

heroku rake db:migrate:reset doesnt work, which is what I would do
locally (I get an error that I dont have permissions to remove some
junky-named database ):

roksclafsu already exists
(in /disk1/home/slugs/213085_12f2dbe_f3c7/mnt)
Couldn't drop roksclafsu : #<ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PGError:
ERROR:  must be owner of database roksclafsu

How do I get heroku to pick up the changes? Is there a way to drop a
specific table from heroku console, and recreate it by running a
specific migration?


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