I really want to pull the trigger with Heroku.  I love so much of it.
I'm looking to move over a ~500K page views/month site that is
decently data intensive, and still weighing my options wrt database,
which may make or break my decision to use Heroku vs. EY, etc, given
the price differences.

Koi seems like a great deal. 20 GB is plenty for my app.  My
benchmarks so far seem promising. But "variable" performance has me
concerned a bit...does anyone have more concrete numbers on just what
that means?  Anyone running decently high traffic sites on just Koi?

The jump to Ronin is obviously dramatic in terms of price.  Is there
any more info on just what a "compute unit" is?  Like RAM and I/O
specs? It seems to me, given EC2 prices ("small ec2 is ~85/month
variable, and large = ~910/year term < $100/month), that there should
be a dedicated option for less than $200/month.  Any hints of a Koi-
like price drop in the near future here?  My 2 cents to Heroku's
pricing team would be treat the data layer as a break-even loss
leader, and make up the revenue on the dyno/worker side...

Amazon RDS seems like quite possibly the way to go.  3 year term for a
small instance (1.7 GB) is $350 < 2 months of the cost of a Ronin
instance! Has anyone gone this route and had success? Should I be
worried about latency between Heroku and RDS? (it's all EC2, right?)
Which zone should I have a DB placed in? (Virginia vs. California?)


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