Thanks guys.  I *think* we've got things installed correctly now.

Is there an easy way to see the stats for our memcache?  I tried what
the docs say, and got this:

>> mc =
NameError: uninitialized constant Memcached
active_support/dependencies.rb:443:in `load_missing_constant'
extensions.rb:206:in `const_missing'
active_support/dependencies.rb:92:in `const_missing'

Is there some web UI somewhere I can see?

Thanks again for everyones help,

On Dec 20, 11:12 am, chris <> wrote:
> FYI, dalli will detect that ENV variable automatically -- you shouldn't need
> to specify the server(s) at all. Here's our dalli configuration (rails3 app,
> yours may vary):
>       config.cache_store = :dalli_store, { :namespace => 'll', :expires_in
> => 30.minutes, :compress => true, :compress_threshold => 64*1024 }

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