not sure if this is what you are asking, but...
I usually do something like this for queries that I want to be case

# force both to upper
:conditions => ['UPPER(email) = ?', params[:search][:email].upcase]

# use postgres ILIKE which is case insensitive
:conditions => ['email ILIKE ?', "%#{params[:search][:email]}%"]

that way I can leave the data alone

however this is not portable across all databases, there might be a
better way
- Jesse

On Feb 18, 11:32 am, Lille <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm new to PostgreSQL and I've read in a few places that it may treat
> string case sensitivity particularly when searching. Thus, I'm
> wondering if I should consider scrubbing my string data any particular
> way in advance of deployment on Heroku?
> Lille

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