Not sure what you mean by this. Varnish is an HTTP cache, it sits in
front of your dyno and only caches the responses that it sends - you
can't use it as a key-value store like memcached. When a request is
handled by varnish and doesn't even hit your app, that IS page

If you could write a bit more about what you're trying to do, we can
offer more guidance.

On Feb 19, 7:45 pm, railsnerd <> wrote:
> Hi everyone
> Is there a way to force Action Caching to cache to Varnish and not use
> Memcache?
> Yes I fully realise this might cause (?) the next request to hit
> Varnish and not my app, which defeats the purpose of Action Caching
> and I should use Page Caching... but I have my reasons :)
> If there was a hack or a tweak, or any ideas, I'd be super happy!
> thanks

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