I am using two different strategies for this scenarios. Take a look at
this screencast [1] and to the Responsive Design article at A List

The first one is strategy is to serve different pages to the user. In
this case I do it in the backend checking the user agent and render
two different views. This work great when the pages are not very
similar. The con here is the it require more work and maintenance.

The second scenario is when you just want to serve a slightly
different page that contains the same , In that case I use a css3
media queries to tell the browser to render the page in a different
way. Take a look to my portfolio [3], it use this technique. if you
make the window very narrow it will adapt it self to a "mobile" view.
It is still in a work in progress state but still you can see what I

[1] : http://railscasts.com/episodes/199-mobile-devices
[2] : http://www.alistapart.com/articles/responsive-web-design/
[3] : http://pdelgallego.com/

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