hi there,

first: i'm still more a rails 3/heroku newbie, working with it since
beginning of 2011 with it (before worked more with rails 2.3), so i'm
at least familiar with dragonfly&imagemagick ;).

now to my problem:
since the last 2 days, i can't display images (jpg, png, gif) anymore,
when uploaded via form and saved to a dragonfly-image-field, e.g.
"image_accessor :picture" for field "picutre_uid". that means: the
uploaded file is saved to database, whereat i don't know if the file-
format is still correct at the "saving-point" or not. i'm showing them
by calling the url-attribute on the image-field, e.g. picture.url or
with scaling picture.process(:resize, '190x150').url.
the "strange thing" still coming: i'm working with 3 different app-
versions: 1. locally, 2. test-server (heroku), 3. live-server
(heroku). all bundled with same Gemfile, of course, but it's only not
working in the 3rd one(!). the other thing is that i changed nothing
on Gemfile itself (since last week till today), so that new gem-
versions maybe could resolve some bugs ... no! (today only bundle
updated for fixing purposes).
i read in some forums, that rmagick/imagemagick needs to have it image-
libs installed on app-environment(...?), e.g. jpg -> jpglib, gif ->
tifflib (don't remember exact names, sry). so heroku needs to have
installed some of these, i guess.

gem versions: dragonfly => 0.9.3 and rmagick => 2.13.1

also, server log tells me these errors:
> convert: no decode delegate for this image format 
> `/app/tmp/dragonfly20110609-1-d7u3jk-0' @ error/constitute.c/ReadImage/533.
> convert: missing an image filename `/app/tmp/dragonfly20110609-1-1cg3lvy-0' @ 
> error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/2940.

the frustrating thing is, my testing possibilies are very rare, e.g.
testing locally, because all working fine there, as i said before. so,
hopefully some guys of you maybe got an idea to get me on the way
fixing this. i would appreciate it very much! thx :)


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