
Just saw your announcement on supporting Java applications, and I'm
very excited about it.  I've been working on a rails app deployed on
heroku and always wondered if someone would make a heroku for java
and, well, here we are.  I also work on Gosu (a JVM language) and
Ronin (a Gosu-based web app framework) and I would love to get them
deployed on Heroku

I'd like to ask you to consider a change to your deployment model,
however.  I realize that ruby apps deploy with their code in place and
so it makes a lot of sense to manage things as a git push as there
isn't really a compilation phase.  However, java has a much more
diverse set of build tools since it is a compiled language: you've got
ant, gant, maven, buildr, aardvark (the one I use, Gosu based) and so
on.  As such, forcing us to use Maven (which has a mixed reputation in
the java world) is a tough pill to swallow.

So what I'd like to ask you to consider is accepting simple war files,
built locally and pushed out to heroku.  This takes the build and
verification phase out of a deployment and provides a simple,
standardized way for us java devs to deploy to heroku.  It also opens
up the platform to other languages and frameworks: almost all of them
provide some way to bundle up a war for deployment.

Thanks again for all your great work,

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