
I just upgraded my app to rails 3.1, now trying to push to cedar
stack. Getting the following error:


**:bd fgro$ git push cedar master
Counting objects: 4254, done.
Delta compression using up to 2 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (1759/1759), done.
Connection to closed by remote host.6 KiB/s
error: pack-objects died of signal 13


I've searched the net but couldn't really find anything useful.

I've tried [git fsck / git repack / git gc]  without any success.

I don't think it's an out of disk space issue either, my repo didn't
change much in size with the upgrade. Also i removed a bunch of binary
files that were unnecessary.

I have another app where rails 3.1 deployment to cedar stack worked

What could it be?



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