
I have always had my delayed jobs run by having them spin up their own
worker, and then clean-up and spin-down their worker when they

Now I want to have Jobs run at set times in the future. Recurrent
jobs... for example, the client wants four pricing checks to occur,
for the next four weeks, at 11:00pm on Wednesdays.

I have my 4 jobs all setup in my DelayedJob Queue, ready to run at
those times... but I am not into running a worker for the whole
duration of that period of time, since each job may only take 10
seconds, or 2 minutes... seems crazy to run a dedicated worker to do
this... and it seems just as crazy to have 4 workers spawned to live
and die with the 4 events.

So what is a good way to take advantage of the Heroku Scheduler? I
know I can now run a task every 10 minutes for example... I am just
not sure if it is meant to help in this case. I can imagine using it
to spin up a worker to run any jobs that might be runnable, but then I
run into the same issue of spinning down the worker that was started.

What would be a good way to not burn workers but still have the
benefit of scheduling jobs with Delayed Job at random times in the

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