I don't know where to report this, so I'll try here. I'm sure someone
can tell me where to report it if this is the wrong place.

The description of this google group only mentions Ruby, so should I
ask questions regarding Python on Heroku somewhere else?

The information on one of the devcenter pages is not up to date (i.e.
won't work with Cedar):

The environment variable containing the redis url does not seem to be
named "REDIS_TO_GO" anymore. When I tried today it seemed to be named

I have just tried some heroku today, so maybe I'm wrong about another
thing. The page also says to add the redis addon like this: "heroku
addons:add redistogo", but I think you need to choose the for instance
mini or nano.

And one last thing. The page says that I can test redis on the server
by doing "heroku console", but that seems to be old information:

$ heroku console
 !    For Cedar apps, use: `heroku run console`

Then I get this:

$ heroku run console
Running console attached to terminal... up, run.1
sh: console: not found

I think the last thing happens because I have missed to set up
something in my account or something. But at least the "heroku
console" could be changed to "heroku run console" on the page.

Best Regards,
  Oscar Lindberg

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