You've lost me a little here.  `heroku releases` gives you all the deployed git 
versions and other changes.  For instance:

Rel   Change                          By                    When
----  ----------------------          ----------            ----------
v214  Deploy 5f3f619            2012-04-18 
17:28:41 +0100
v213  Deploy b71ce95            2012-04-12 
15:04:45 +0100
v212  Deploy d27f151            2012-04-12 
13:20:53 +0100
v211  Deploy 6b81eef            2012-04-12 
12:59:28 +0100
v210  Config add FACEBOOK_APP_SECR..    2012-04-12 
12:56:11 +0100
v209  Deploy 2f54f24            2012-04-12 
11:43:28 +0100
v208  Deploy 19b486d            2012-04-12 
11:36:34 +0100
v207  Deploy efdd6ef            2012-04-12 
11:22:40 +0100

Each of those deploy hashes under 'Change' match commits in my Git repo on 
Github (and everywhere else).

By rolling back to say v208 I know I'm going to end up with 19b486d, or am I 
missing something obvious here?



On Monday, 23 April 2012 at 02:08, david ignacio wrote:

> Hey-
> So one thing that has got me about heroku is that there isn't
> necessarily a good link between the git repo and heroku releases. By
> this I mean that it isn't entirely obvious what is deployed and
> running at the moment. There are two current tools we have:
> * the heroku remote in the git repo
> * heroku releases
> This gives me the current release and what is working right now, but
> nothing more. If I deploy something broken, there isn't a clear way
> to find what I'd be rolling back to. The hashes displayed in heroku
> releases are of the compiled slugs.
> I have gone through a few back and forths as to what would be a good
> way to fill this gap. I realized that you'd really need two different
> scripts since releases are created in multiple places, one in the
> heroku cli and one in git. The config/addon changes trigger a new
> release to be created, but I think that those changes are well
> documented in heroku releases. It was the git-push triggered releases
> that I wanted to track.
> This led me to write:
> What I'm wondering from you guys is:
> * is there any other way in heroku that I can get the information I'm
> scraping so that I'm not just scraping stderr of git push?
> * am I thinking about this problem in the right way that this
> solution seems okay?
> * are there any other precedents that I didn't find in my sanity
> check google search?
> * assuming that the previous questions are positive, can anyone think
> of any other things they'd want?
> Thanks for your input
> Dave
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